Saturday, July 21, 2007

新菜---大蠔菇炒雞絲(King Oyster Mushroom)


Monday, July 16, 2007

佛羅理達之行 (二 )

這次能 一家人出門真是難得,特別兩個孫女乖巧可愛,懂事又討人喜歡.老二夫婦花了心血.教的好.亦是神特別的憐憫與恩典.其珍十歲半却有每天寫日記的習慣.所以這次旅行她像個小記者.她很樂意與我分享她的日記並答應可以登上我的Blog.我也很高興和我的朋友分享我的快樂.所以我會陸續地錄下她的小文章.
By Hannah Chu
First day of summer! June 1st 2007
I woke up at 4:00AM. From 4:00 to 4:30 AM, I packed up everything that I needed. We loaded the car and drove to the airport at 4:50 AM. We arrived at the airport at 5:20AM. We went through security check, and boarded the plane at 6:55AM. I was really excited.
Our plane was a Delta 757. We took off from the Sacramento airport, took our seats 32-ABCD and began our journey. After we got settled in, Delta presented a short safety film that we all had to watch. As we were up in the sky, I could see the grass and wheat fields in large square pieces. After the plane reached a safe altitude, Rachel and I watched two Full House episodes. Soon after, the food cart came with crackers and cheese; I had Sprite in addition to the snacks. Afterwards, I slept for 3 hours. The whole flight from Sacramento to Atlanta, Georgia was 4 hours and 11 minutes. When we arrived at the airport, we waited 3 hours for Nai-Nai, Yeh-Yeh, Amy and Susanna gugu. After they arrived, we waited for another hour and we were on our way to Orlando, Florida. We met up with our original crew of flight attendants from Sacramento on this next flight. They would be serving us all the way to Orlando. Their home base was in Orlando. They were very nice to us. The food cart came again and I had my regular: Sprite, and 2 packages of peanuts. We were at Orlando, Florida in practically no time at all.
When we landed, Daddy and Susanna gugu went to get the car at Dollar Rental Car, while the rest of us went to the baggage claim. We, then, waited at the lounge areas by the car rental facility. After we got our car, we went to Sweet Tomato restaurant for dinner. Oh-man, that was really GOOD!!!! The place was like Fresh Choice had salads, fruits, pasta, pizza, soups, and desserts. When we arrived at our hotel, Homewood Suites, our room was suite #201. Nai-Nai, Yeh-Yeh, and Amy and Susanna’s room was suite #110. We got settled in our room, took showers, and went to bed at local time 9:30 PM. Sacramento time 12:30PM.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

聖民之死 "詩一百十六篇15節"

六月二十三日傍晚八點半我們敬愛的姐妹Viola平安地回天家.那天正是夏季特會的第二天.主日上午會後由Bill Mallon 弟兄向大家報告.會後午餐時跟John弟兄正式問安,感謝主他很平静一切在主手中.看見屬乎主的人何等不一樣,不像世人那些沒有指望的人.我們七位弟兄姐妹於我們姐妹離世三天前在医院相見,當時我們的姐妹正由兒子Sam 媳婦Deborah 陪伴在床前一切情况正常,人非常清醒,因為在ICU 所以每次只能ニ人進去.外子和我一同進去她面帶笑容,並從被单中伸出手來相握笑說我很好,一切感謝讚美主.多謝你們來看我.一點不像要走的樣子.這是拜三上午的事.那裏知道拜六她就走了.走的那麼安祥,尊嚴.
為了等兩個孫子從苏俄短宣隊回來,所以追思記念聚會訂在七月七日上午九點在西敏市教會會所舉行.來了許多多年不見的弟兄姐妹聚會温馨感人因為我們的姐妹是位肯接待人的姐妹為自己無所求,每次來聚會從不空手,總是牛奶與奶酪.對人從不計較.許多感人的小故事在眾人中談論.John的一句話令人落淚,他說"她一生好像只為我而活".我真的哭了.五十三年的老伴走了,留下的人,留下的日子,真是情何以堪?John 加油!保重!上午十一點十五分起程赴玫瑰崗安葬,前去送行的人很多.中午十二點弟兄姐妹們在歌聲中,禱告中告別了我們的姐妹.下午一點十五分回到會所午飯.一天的服事在平順,喜樂,感恩中结束.回到家中已是下午四點了.晚上青年聚會因為大家太累暫停一次.感謝,讚美,榮耀歸神.